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Trail Talk

Brian K Dery, Founder
May 3, 20222 min read
Own A Jeep, Best Own The Problems That Come With It
So you've seen those vehicles called JEEP on the road? You just had to have one. Your friends have one. You remember Daisy Duke having...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
Jun 8, 20202 min read
Long Distance Trail Riding
In Florida we have the Wildlife Management Areas, National Forests and then there are a hand full of private off-road parks. Where do you...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 10, 20203 min read
What's With The Fascination Of Jeeps?
Some call them a boxed kite, especially when driving them in high winds, heck, even a light breeze the Jeep can be all over the road. But...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 6, 20204 min read
“Best Practices to Capture Your Trail Ride Memories”
You bought the Jeep. You did a few upgrades maybe a lift and new tires. You planned an adventure with Florida Trail Stompers and now...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 3, 20205 min read
"Trail Stompin' Etiquette"
One of the best parts of owning a Jeep is that it opens the door to the great outdoors in ways others never get to experience. Exploring...
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