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Trail Talk

Brian K Dery, Founder
Jun 8, 20202 min read
Long Distance Trail Riding
In Florida we have the Wildlife Management Areas, National Forests and then there are a hand full of private off-road parks. Where do you...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 10, 20203 min read
What's With The Fascination Of Jeeps?
Some call them a boxed kite, especially when driving them in high winds, heck, even a light breeze the Jeep can be all over the road. But...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 6, 20204 min read
“Best Practices to Capture Your Trail Ride Memories”
You bought the Jeep. You did a few upgrades maybe a lift and new tires. You planned an adventure with Florida Trail Stompers and now...
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Brian K Dery, Founder
May 3, 20205 min read
"Trail Stompin' Etiquette"
One of the best parts of owning a Jeep is that it opens the door to the great outdoors in ways others never get to experience. Exploring...
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